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柯維達 新聞資訊


點擊次數:1754  更新時間:2021-02-21  【打印此頁】  【關閉

環氧地坪刷漆、防靜電地坪漆施工聽起來好像一樣,都是在環氧地坪表面涂刷油漆,但實際上在施工過程中還是有很大差別的。環氧地坪刷漆是傳統施工在地表層刷上一層薄薄的油漆,主要目的是為了美觀,但實用性差,易脫層、起皮,脫落,不抗壓,不耐磨,但價格相對普通的環氧地坪漆施工也要便宜一半還多呢。 而現代規范的環氧地坪漆施工是有多步驟的工序實現的:

The construction of epoxy floor paint and anti-static floor paint sounds like the same, they are all painted on the surface of epoxy floor, but in fact there are still great differences in the construction process. Epoxy floor paint is a traditional construction on the surface of a thin layer of paint, the main purpose is to beautiful, but poor practicability, easy delamination, peeling, peeling off, not compressive, not wear-resistant, but the price is relatively ordinary epoxy floor paint construction is also more than half cheaper. The modern standard epoxy floor paint construction is a multi-step process to achieve: 


I. Different Base Material Processing


Traditional painting does not pay attention to the treatment of the base material. Sometimes the concrete is primed without any treatment. Some only do a little treatment. The treatment method is shoveling, sweeping and removing dust.


1. Requirements for concrete floors:

⑴ 混凝土要求平整密實,強度要求不低于C20;⑵ 地面平整度一般要求在2M范圍內落差不大于2mm,如落差較大,則環氧地坪涂層需加厚以減少落差;⑶ 如需涂裝的地面處于底層,地下水位較高,則混凝土底層應作防水處理;⑷ 新建混凝土干燥至少三周以上,含水率不高于8%;⑸ 也可在水磨石等底材上涂裝。

(1) Concrete should be flat and compact, and its strength should be no less than C20; (2) The difference of ground roughness should be no more than 2mm in the range of 2M. If the difference is large, the floor coating should be thicker to reduce the drop; (3) If the ground to be coated is at the bottom and the groundwater level is high, the concrete bottom should be waterproof treated; (4) New construction; Concrete is dried for at least three weeks with moisture content not higher than 8%. _It can also be coated on terrazzo and other substrates.


2. For the new concrete base material, the following treatment methods are adopted:


_Treatment purposes: To improve the overall smoothness of the ground, remove floating layer and dirt, and obtain uniform rough surface for coating adhesion.


(2) Treatment equipment: self-cleaning ground grinder (imported from Japan), vacuum cleaner, etc.


(3) Requirements: to achieve a solid ground, no sand holes, caves, while requiring dry, clean, no floating dust, oil, cement sand and other impurities.


2. Different Choices of Coatings


The traditional floor painting often does not choose the paint strictly, only uses the top paint to brush 1-2 routes, does not use the closed primer, or uses the primer like the steel structure primer to brush at will. The construction of epoxy floor paint is divided into epoxy primer, epoxy medium paint, epoxy putty layer and epoxy top paint, which ensures the wear resistance and compression resistance of epoxy floor, and maintains the beauty of traditional oil and gas floor.


3. Great innovations have been made in the painting methods of modern floor paint


Traditional epoxy floor coatings are mostly constructed by spraying, brushing or roller. According to the performance and requirements of floor coatings, floor coatings are innovated. Besides the traditional spraying, brushing and roller coating methods, scraper scraping, sawtooth trowel spraying, polishing machine spraying, high pressure airless spraying and so on are also used. The construction method ensures the uniformity of the construction and avoids the harmful phenomena such as hanging and scratching.

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